Thank you, Kathy Boettcher of Meadowsweet Ranch in Spring Grove, Illinois for sharing this great Holiday Obstacle Course idea with The Riding Instructor's readers.

Meadowsweet Ranch full course

From Kathy

"Something that I do the last two weeks of December is put up an indoor holiday obstacle course.  Students and boarders LOVE it.  I try to change it a bit every year and I also change the pattern a bit in the middle of the time."

From Barbara

Below, I've included several expanded images of the obstacles to give readers a better view. To see riders enjoying the holiday obstacle course on the Meadow Sweet Ranch website visit their gallery Be sure to double click the images for a close up view.

Meadowsweet Ranch Penguins

These cute little penguins and Christmas figures could provide their own challenge.  I mean when was the last time your horse saw a Polar Bear in the arena?

Meadowsweet Ranch course

If you look at the main photo you'll see that Kathy leaves room between the obstacles and the wall so riders may still work the perimeter of the arena.

Meadowsweet Ranch

When I asked Kathy how she made this, she said, "Thank God for my husband 🙂  It is a heavy rubber hose.  Then a few strings of silk Poinsetta's."

(Sometimes those husbands are pretty handy!)

Thank you for sharing this Holiday Obstacle Course Idea, Kathy.

Merry Christmas to all the Riding Instructor Readers!

Barbara Ellin Fox



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