The Important First Riding Lesson

The Big DayThe first lesson is a big day for your new student. He or she is excited to start, probably nervous about the horses, a new teacher, and

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Katie Monahan & USEF Horsemaster Clinic

Recently, there has been controversy over the USEF Horsemasters clinic with Katie Monahan Prudent.For those who might not know who she is, Katie Monahan Prudent was on the

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Riding Teachers, Instructors, & Coaches

There is a difference between teachers, instructors, and coaches in the horse industry. While we may hero worship and think one is more important than the other, they

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Keep Student/Riding Instructor Relationships Healthy with Boundaries

Riding instructors are in a unique position when it comes to relationships with clientele. ​You're require​d to teach athletics, art, fitness, and theory all at one time while

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Wear a Riding Helmet Even If Parelli Doesn’t

She’d taken the polo pony out for a trail ride when the mare bolted toward home. As the mare made a sharp right down the lane at a

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Teach Riders Good Balance on the Horse

It's All About Balance That's a loaded statement because it covers sooo many areas of our lives.  Today I'm talking specifically about the rider's balance on the horse,

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What’s in Your Riding Instructor’s Toolbox?

Three very important parts of good riding are balance, tact, and consideration. These are all abilities that take time to develop. Instructors have the job of convincing students

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Video – Why We Teach Riding Position

The VideoThis video is excerpted from my blog post "Why Do We Teach Our Horseback Riding Students Riding Position?"

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10 Things to Improve the Future of the Horse Business

When you hear about things like horse show competitors who can’t ready their own horse, water withheld from horses so they are calmer for their riders, lunging to

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Sharpen Your Eye for Trot Diagonals

I ran across a Facebook discussion about how to tell and how to teach when a rider is on the correct diagonal at the trot, so I thought

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