The Important First Riding Lesson

The Big DayThe first lesson is a big day for your new student. He or she is excited to start, probably nervous about the horses, a new teacher, and

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Keep Student/Riding Instructor Relationships Healthy with Boundaries

Riding instructors are in a unique position when it comes to relationships with clientele. ​You're require​d to teach athletics, art, fitness, and theory all at one time while

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Riding Instructor – Karla Deacon

Riding Instructor, Karla Deacon is the busy owner of Spruce Meadow Farm, Inc. in Clarence, New York, USA. Spruce Meadow Farm teaches English horseback riding to beginners through advanced riders.

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Show Me that You’re Ready To Canter

When is a rider ready to canter? A reader commented that students she was teaching at summer camp were pushy about wanting to canter and were unable to assess their own riding

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Be a Flexible Horseman

Riders, Instructors, and trainers  know how important it is to be flexible – but each condition (trainer, instructor, rider) requires a slightly different use of “Flexible”. And where there

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How Long Does It Take To Learn To Ride A Horse?

It’s a question that most riding instructors have had to answer. There’s a simple, one size fits all answer, but it brings to mind a plethora of questions.

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Top 3 Reasons Why America’s Producing so Many Mediocre Instructors

Vince Lombardi, the famous coach of the Green Bay Packers, once said, “Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we

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Beginner Riding Instructor – What’s Your Value?

I’m neither for nor against riding instructor certification because after all these many years of limited certification in the U.S., I’m convinced that certification has little to do

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