The Important First Riding Lesson

The Big DayThe first lesson is a big day for your new student. He or she is excited to start, probably nervous about the horses, a new teacher, and

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The Case for Teaching Beginners Riding Lessons

Covid Difficulties So much has happened to effect riding programs in 2020 that many riding instructors have re-evaluated where they are headed with their students. Trainers and instructors

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Tips for a Short Beginner Course

Summer is the best time to get intense horsemanship instruction into kid’s, and since I love getting new riders started I was excited when a reader asked for

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Over-Mounted Beginner Riders – Benefits?

An over-mounted beginning rider can have so many problems that I wonder why any instructor would allow it with their students. A Schooling Show Recently I visited a schooling show

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Pointers for a Successful Beginner’s Dressage Test

Participating in your first dressage test is a big event and everyone wants to do their best.  You are a fortunate rider if you do your first test

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Teach Spatial Awareness in Your Beginner Riding Lessons

Spatial awareness is a persons ability to be aware of their body in a space and how it relates to other things in that space. When your new

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Over-Mounted Beginner Riders – Benefits?

An over-mounted beginning rider can have so many problems that I wonder why any instructor would allow it with their students. Recently I visited a schooling show where I didn’t

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Balance Your Lesson Horse

It is just as important to balance your lesson horse as it is to teach balance to riders. And even though balance for individual horses can be directly

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Riding Horses Is Different

Teaching beginner riders seems like it should be easy, right? After all, what do you teach? A few safety rules, how to lead a horse, how to mount/dismount,

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The First Three Riding Lessons

I make no bones about being an advocate for instructors of beginning riders. It’s because I firmly believe that you can lay so good a foundation for your

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